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We provide professional training for SAGA, ranging from introductive courses to highly specialized topics. The courses are fully interactive and include both theoretical and practical parts.

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We offer technical support for SAGA, including data processing strategies, workflow automation (scripting, tool chains), system setup and system maintenance (e.g updates and bug fixes).

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We provide professional SAGA software development. In case you miss a specific feature or require the development of a new tool, just get in contact with us.

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SAGA - System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses

The System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses (SAGA) is a well known free and open source GIS, providing a comprehensive set of processing tools for raster and vector data. We are contributing to the project on different levels being part of the SAGA GIS development team, maintainer of the project web page and user forums, and funding member of the SAGA User Group Association.

Most of the project resources are hosted on sourceforge, including binaries, source code, documentation/tutorials, user forums, wiki and bug tracker. Besides that, additional information like references (documentation, research papers, API reference, tool reference) can be found on the project's homepage.