LIS Visualization

LIS Visualization - view point clouds and create visualization products

This package contains tools for visualizing point clouds and the creation of visualization products, including a 3D point cloud viewer, an orthoimager and a point cloud photographer.

Tool: Analytical Hillshading

• calculation of an analytical hillshading based on pre-computed point normals
• shading of a point cloud

Tool: Colorize Point Cloud by Morphology

• attachment of a morphological shading (based on topographic openness and slope) as RGB values to a point cloud
• calculation of point normals, optional
• morphological shading of a point cloud

Tool: Colorize Virtual Point Cloud by Morphology

• attachment of a morphological shading (based on topographic openness and slope) as RGB values to a point cloud
• calculation of point normals, optional
• automated subset extraction from a virtual point cloud based on a polygon shapefile
• morphological shading of point cloud subsets

Tool: Direction Vectors

• creation of direction vectors from a point cloud attribute as 3D line shapefile
• control of vector length
• construction of 3D direction vectors as line shapefile for visualization
• e.g. visualization of normal vectors together with the point cloud in the '3D Point Cloud Viewer'

Tool: Point Cloud Orthoimager

• orthoimage (orthorectified raster) creation from all points detected within a user specified range to a profile line
• profile line (x-axis of the image) is defined by a line shapefile or by coordinates
• AOI is aligned left or right to the profile line, or centered on the profile line
• gridding of a user specified attribute
• additional output: depth image (range)
• orthoimage creation from, e.g., terrestrial point cloud data
• distance measurements in the output image
• point cloud visualization

Tool: Point Cloud Orthoimager [interactive]

• orthoimage (orthorectified raster) creation from all points detected within a user specified range to a profile line
• profile line is interactively digitized in a Map View
• AOI is aligned left or right to the profile line, or centered on the profile line
• gridding of a user specified attribute
• additional output: depth image (range)
• orthoimage creation from, e.g., terrestrial point cloud data
• distance measurements in the output image
• point cloud visualization

Tool: Point Cloud Photographer

• image creation from point clouds by modelling a camera pose, focal length and camera sensor
• lense types: tele, panorama, or hemisphere
• adjustable focal length and sensor size
• image creation from point clouds
• reproduction of photographs
• creation of virtual hemispherical images (VHI)
• point cloud visualization

Tool: Point Cloud Viewer [interactive]

• 3D viewer for point clouds
• definition of rectangular subsets or transects
• point distance measurement
• point attribute value report on mouse-over
• manifold colorization options, including RGB, classification, shading, random
• visualization of raster data sets and/or 3D shapefiles (point, line, polygon) together with the point cloud, optional
• point cloud exaggeration
• anaglyph mode
• 3D point cloud visualization and inspection
• distance measurements
• visualization of point clouds, raster data sets and 3D shapefiles

Tool: Shading Normals

• computation of normal vectors describing the surface orientation at each point
• normal vector computation for normal-based shading e.g. in the '3D Point Cloud Viewer'

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